Legal Notices

This website is provided by:

1025 avenue Henri Becquerel


IZBERG, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of €93,425, headquartered at 1025 avenue Henri Becquerel, 34000 MONTPELLIER, registered in the Montpellier Trade and Companies Register under number 750 230 393


Publication Director: Mr. Benjamin CHALANDE

The site is hosted by: OVH – 2 RUE KELLERMANN, 59100 ROUBAIX.


By accessing and browsing this site provided by IZBERG, you are informed of your rights and obligations and fully accept to comply with the terms of use of the site. These terms may be updated since your last visit. You are therefore advised to consult this page each time you access the site.



IZBERG holds exclusive ownership of all intellectual property rights of the Site.

All components of the Site, including text, images, drawings, graphics, photographs, databases, sounds, videos, and software, are owned by IZBERG or by third parties who have authorized IZBERG to use and reproduce them on the Site.

Access to the Site grants you no intellectual property rights over the Site or its components. Any reproduction, representation, use, dissemination, publication, adaptation, or modification, in whole or in part, of the Site or its works by any process and on any medium, without prior written authorization from IZBERG, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by Articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Use rights of the Site are granted to you by IZBERG only in digital form for the purpose of viewing the consulted pages, for personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive use. Reproductions on paper or electronic media of the Site and its works are allowed only for strictly personal use, excluding any advertising and/or commercial purposes and in compliance with the provisions of Article L.122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code. Any other use is prohibited without prior written authorization from IZBERG.

Trademark Rights

The IZBERG brand, the names of products or services offered by IZBERG, as well as the logos accompanying these brands on the Site, are generally trademarks either under application or registered by IZBERG or its subsidiaries, unless otherwise specified.

Other trademarks may also be mentioned. IZBERG uses these trademarks either with authorization from their owners or solely as an indication of existing products or services.

Any reproduction, imitation, or use, in whole or in part, of these trademarks or logos without prior written authorization from IZBERG or their respective owners is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable under Articles L. 713-2 and L. 713-3 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Photo credits: © Unsplash


Subject to telecommunications access and usage costs, which remain your responsibility, access to the site is free.

By using the site, you agree to:

  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations. IZBERG reminds you that you must adhere to any mandatory and public order rules applicable in your country of residence due to the international nature of the Internet.
  • Avoid any actions that may damage, disrupt, or impair the site. Unauthorized access or maintenance in a computer system, interference, or manipulation of such a system, or unauthorized insertion or alteration of data in a computer system are criminal offenses subject to penalties.

IZBERG reserves the right to take any necessary action it deems appropriate, including any legal action or notifying the judicial and police authorities, in cases of illegal or unauthorized site use.


The site content is provided “as is,” without any explicit or implicit warranty other than as prescribed by applicable law, and in particular without any guarantee that it meets the user’s needs or is up-to-date.

Although IZBERG strives to provide reliable content on its site, it does not guarantee that it is free of inaccuracies, typographical errors, or omissions. IZBERG reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to the content of its site at any time without prior notice.

IZBERG cannot be held liable for any damages or losses, actual or alleged, resulting from the use of or reliance on the content, goods, or services available on its site or external sources, or due to the presence of a virus, Trojan horse, or other intrusive or destructive elements on these sites or external sources.

Hypertext links on the site that redirect users to other sites do not engage IZBERG’s responsibility. The company cannot control external sites or sources, including their information, advertisements, etc.

Setting up a hypertext link to a page on the site requires prior written authorization from the following address: IZBERG – 1025 avenue Henri Becquerel 34000 MONTPELLIER (France). IZBERG, which takes care to verify the quality of the transmitted information, cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, errors, or omissions of such information. IZBERG commits to promptly correct any errors brought to its attention.

To report any errors or share comments about the site’s operation, please contact us by email at


Messages sent to IZBERG via the Internet may be intercepted on the network. Until they reach the IZBERG site, their confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, site visitors are advised not to disclose unnecessary or sensitive personal information. Additionally, the origin of email messages received by this site can be falsified. Consequently, visitors wishing to communicate such information to IZBERG must use postal mail.


In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, the personal data collected on the site is stored by IZBERG to ensure its security on the site.

For the following purpose(s): inquiry requests, contact, appointments, demonstrations, project declarations…

The recipient(s) of the data are: the IZBERG sales departments.

In accordance with the modified “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify information about you.

You can access your information by contacting: IZBERG – 1025 avenue Henri Becquerel 34000 Montpellier.

You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you.

We are committed to not disclosing to third parties and to not using personal information that site visitors may provide to IZBERG for any purposes not anticipated.

Information provided by site users will be treated as confidential, accurate, current, lawful, and should not harm third-party interests.


IZBERG commits to making every effort to ensure the site is accessible at all times. IZBERG cannot be held liable in case of site unavailability, for any reason whatsoever.

To contact us:

IZBERG – Unlimited Marketplace

Une solution back-end complète, modulaire et personnalisable pour améliorer les marchés orientés produits ou services.

Twenty Twenty-Five

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